torstai, 19. toukokuu 2011

With the Natureship in Gotland and with Cofreen in Netherlands Veerribben-Wieden

Working groups and steering group of Interreg IVA Natureship were gathered in Gotland 27-29.4. and pondered about nature library - 6 publications are the main result of the project. We got to know nice coastal meadows and pastures as well as Visby old town with our host Gotland länstyrelsen. Natureship web pages

In Netherlans 11-13.5. Interreg IVA Cofreen project construction group host was Mr Hans Schiphorst. We got acquainted with state of the art thatching techinques, building regulations related to thatched roofs and fire issues related to thatched roofs and reed architecture. We saw some latest modern housing development and made a bicycle tour of 60 km (?!) during one day in order to get the best out of the Veerribben-Wieden national park and Giethoorn village. Photos by Iiro Ikonen.


Visby old town silhuette.

Endemic Corydalis gotlantica in Koviken pasture.

Looking for uprising platns. Stone was said to be for sharpening the viking swords. Koviken area was an ancient harbour !

On coastal pasture, having lunch near chapel.

Ship-shaped restored viking grave from ancient history.

These fellows of Pulsatilla pratensis illuminated coastal sand dunes.

Then to Netherlands - learning about how to make good modern sturctures for roofing. In the front laughing Mr Peter Hartog

from Dutch Reedthatchers' Federation.

Round-shaped tiles for the top.

Our lunch-restaurant De Roode Schuur (red barn).

In Laren we could see some modern housing development.

Relaxing and beautiful. This concept with red colour could suit for Nordic environments?!

Green faces of Giethoorn !

Anna-Leena, goats and old-type fences.

Jouni Saario searching for otter passage. Otter is reintroduced and thriving in Veerribben-Wieden.

Then we could learn about cleaning of reed bunches. Our bicycle tour ranger Mr Egbert Beens from State Forestry Service was the familar face for everybody in the park area.

Here is also familiar looking machinery, total price of the machine and cleaner was some years ago around 9000 euros.

Transport sledge.

Sun panels. Municipality support for using panels and reed thatching was last year 40% ! Booming business.

On our way back to Schiphol we saw some Star Wars architecture (Decos). Inside we heard nice presentation of history of reed architecture in Holland by Arnold Homan(INBO).

...and interior was like this. No-paper office. One waited for Star Wars melody to start...tii daa, ti daa da tii daa, ti daa da daaaa....

This wetland photo is taken from flight from Gotland to Finland. Happy spring for all !
best wishes Iiro

ps. Here U can find more very nice thatching/roofing photos of Jarmo Heimo

and here are some Jarmos photos connected with city planning














sunnuntai, 13. maaliskuu 2011

Cofreen -trip and seminars in Tuorla 10-12.3.2011

In the frame of reed construction+bioenergy Cofreen -project  ( was arranged trip 10.3.2011  to Biolan modern headquarters (reed and other ecological constructions)  in Eura and Lokapelletti farm factory in Kusni, Laitila. In Tuorla international seminar was held in 11.3.2011 covering presentations concerning reed utilsation and innovative coastal planning, presentations shall be added to  -pages soon. "Reed week" continued by national seminar with machinery development issues and field demonstrations in 12.3. Photos by Iiro Ikonen.

Biolan headquarters with reed roof, now slightly under snow cover. The costs of this 3-floor house were approximately 5 mill. €

Interior was astonishing, Biolan Board chairman, Mr Pekka Kariniemi has studied in Belgium and took idea of reed constructions there. Finnish natural materials such as logs and stones were used when that was possible. Innovative solutions included geothermal heating,  recycling of toalet waters and green plant walls There was relaxing feeling of space and pure air.

Pekka telling his ideas and story for Cofreen bus trip -people. 

Next visit took place in farm pellet factory, Lokapelletti, in Laitila. Project manager Anne Hemmi looking after quality of reed pellets. Lokapelletti:

Latvian Cofreen film group had busy times.

Birth of pellets, holy ceremony !

Some decoration by Tuorla Livia people.

Reed lectern.

Rooexpert OÜ is also this year visitor in Finnish reed beds in several Natura 2000 -areas.

Familar looking Bandwagen cyclope climbing up to road. Turun sanomat  made nice article in 13.3.2011.

Hartwig Reuter was there with Ferrari. Whirling reed panicles.

Lännen järviperkaus and their machine,  developed from Paana slope machine, was there also.

Lännen Järviperkaus crushing reed bed in Tuorla











tiistai, 7. joulukuu 2010

Reed cutting, baling and burning by Järki -project and Västanfjärd lahdet ry.

The Association ”Västanfjärd Bays”  made round bale experiment for Järki-project during 2010. The material were cut on ice during April 2010 by Siim  Sooster/ Rooexpert OÜ.  The caterpillar track machine modified from Bandwagen  was  equipped with BCS –cutting blade.  Siim estimated that one bale can consist of 100 reed bunches (Photos and text by Västanfjärd Bays, Eija Hagelberg and Iiro Ikonen).

Siim and his machine.

Siim & al cut 1000 bunches from estimated 2,7 hectares area.  The cut took appr. 6 hours and 3 persons were needed. The bunches were lasted onshore and laid on stack in order to keep them dry.

The bunches were lasted onshore and laid on stack in order to keep them dry.

The baling was executed during May 15th. It was done by help of local voluntary camp (10 workers) activated by “Västanfjärd Bays”.  The work was done manually, the  bunches were carried and fed to round bale –baling machine. One bale took (as estimated!) 95-105 bunches and baling was very successful. The machine was adjusted to feed more line as usual.  It was noticed that material must be put to machine from both sides in order to make bale structure even. Otherwise tufts  (panicles) were sticking out from bale.  The baling took appr. 1, 5 hours.

Ready bales.

Used energy:

Cutting machine, 7 liters / h x 6 h

Tractor + baling 10 liters /h x 2,5 h

Tractor and traler, move Lammala -> Nivelax 10 l/h x 1h

All together 77 liters diesel * 10 kWh / l = 770 kWh

Gained energy:

9 pcs round bales á 180 kg = 1620 kg

1620 kg x 4,2 kWh/kg = 6804 kWh

6804 - 770 = 6034 kWh


diesel price 0,90 €/ ltr x 77 ltr

energy price without salaries

69,30€  / 6804 kWh = 1,02 c/kWh

Yearly energy for detached house is estimated to be 20 000 kWh. Three days of such a work covers whole year energy need

Electricity price 10,30 c/kWh =10,30 / 100 x 6804 = 700,81 €

Oil heating (5,67 c/kWh) n. 385€

District heating (6,19c/kWh) n. 420 €

Experiment in October, taking bales into Overdahl burner.

Grrr. I am a bale eating burner.

Let it burn ! The bale was burning  well, anyhow bit too tightly bind. Also adjustments for reed bales have to be made. "Työtehoseura" and Timo Lötjönen/MTT (timo.lotjonen(at) made calculations and Järki -project shall present accurate results later. The work is to be continued by Cofreen  -project.















keskiviikko, 29. syyskuu 2010

Joensuun kartanon niiton vaikutuksista

Joensuun kartanon niityille on tullut murskauksen ja pienimuotoisen äestyksen jälkeen satamäärin hanhia ja muita vesilintuja. Kävin tiistaina 28.9. tutustumassa Åminne Gårdin laidunalueeseen tilanhoitaja Kari Ehrnroothin kanssa, jolloin pohdittiin alueen uutta erityistukikautta ja hoidon kehittämistä. Alue on pääosin vesirajaan asti murskattu ja pieneltä osin äestettykin lintujen olosuhteiden turvaamiseksi. Vastaavat merenrantaniityt on tärkeä hoitaa ko. tavalla intensiivisesti vesirajaan asti koska erityisesti peltoihin rajoittuvat mahdollisimman avoimet merenrantaniittyalueet houkuttelevat runsaasti kahlaajia ja laiduntavia hanhia paikalle, jotka voivat pitää laidunta jatkossa osaltaan avoimena. Alueella oli nytkin runsaasti lintuja mm. valkoposkihanhia ja kahlaajia. Vastaavia niittyalueita ei Varsinais-Suomessa juurikaan ole, suurimmat merenrantaniityt Varsinais-Suomessa ovat Tapilanlahdella ja Mietoistenlahdella. Otin valokuvia keskiveden ollessa alhaalla. Olisi monimuotoisuuden kannalta tärkeää että myös kovan maan reuna-alueet joita voidaan maalla liikkuvilla koneilla murskata voitaisiin sisällyttää lumo-erityistukeen. ELY-keskus valmistelee lisäksi erillistä ruovikon leikkuun investointitukea uuteen maatalouden ympäristöohjelmaan, jonka puitteissa voitaisiin leikata myös ylivuotista talviruokoa ja kesäruokoa riittävän rannikon integroivan suunnittelun jälkeen. Kuva ja teksti Iiro Ikonen

Laiduntava ylämaan karja...sonnipoikia kuohittiin juuri kun kävimme paikalla.

Vasemmalla näkyy peltopyyaluetta (peltopyy- ja fasaanimetsästysaluetta) ja oikealla lintutornin puoleista avointa merenrantaniittyä. Joensuun kartano ei metsästä merenrantaniityn lintuja, vaan se toimii niiden turvapaikkana.

Tässä näkymä lintutornista katsoen taaemmasta hoidetusta alueesta. Alueella pystyi kävelemään aivan vesirajaan saakka.

Kuvassa tolppa vesirajassa.

Alueella Hannu Klemolan havaitsemia lintuja 08.09.


tiistai, 31. elokuu 2010

Joensuun kartano edistää luonnon monimuotoisuutta

Myös Salossa, Halikonlahdessa on kunnostettu merenrantaniittyä. Joensuun kartanon alueella niitettiin ja osittain äestettiin ruovikkoa laajalta alueelta. Myös tässä kohteessa Lännen Järviperkaus suorittivat tehokasta niittoa. Maan omistaja vastasivat leikkuun kustannuksista mutta työn suunnittelu ja koordinointi rahoitettiin ELY-keskuksen Interreg hanke Natureshipin toimesta.


Tässä niiton lähtökohta. Taaemmalla tiheää ruovikkoa ja edessä alue joka on laidennettu.


Ja niittokone elementissään.


Ja esimakua hienosta lopputuloksesta, meri näkyviin ja avarat maisemat! Lähtekää paikan päälle

ihailemaan, lintutornista on hienot näkymät!